In just under 3 months - My Around the World Adventure Begins ..................

Welcome to my World travel Blog!

My name is Daniel & I'm a 25 year old Bachelor Of Education Graduate from Western Australia.


I look around and see people living their consumerist monotonous lives guided by a society that proclaims and demands that this life - is what life is all about.
Hitting the age of independence we surrender ourselves to pre-conceived roles; we finish university, find work, get married, buy a house, have kids and gruesomely slog our way towards retirement.

No Thankyou!!!

I shall no longer work myself to an early grave
Nor shall I waste my good years serving others
I will not aspire to command others
And I shall not become one of societies egocentric mules.


“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” – Lao Tzu