From the age of 20 I have wanted to go travelling, the aim was to finish University
and then take a year off and go exploring.
After graduating life took me in a different direction
and now 5 years on I am taking the plunge.
There is no doubt I could have saved and embarked on this journey a few years ago but to be honest I don’t think financially and mentally I would have been ready for what lie ahead.
Here are my reasons why I am quitting my job and going traveling:
To Be Inspired & Decide What I Want from Life
What better way than through travel to diversify our experience in life and to
discover what is our purpose in life. Each country, each city, each street visited is
an opportunity to experiment with something new and different.
Its Now or Never
Some of the best travel discounts around are those given to >26 year-olds
The older we get, the harder it gets to pick up and take off for a year or two.
Later in life there are mortgages, children and other responsibilities.
“You regret the things in life that you didn’t do - not the ones you did”
Fewer Material Attachments Equals More Freedom
To Grow culturally
There is nothing more interesting than having a conversation with someone who has something to say. To glimpse at and understand the numerous ways people function in the world.
Develop Independence & Responsibility
When you travel, everything relies on you; there is a degree of organizational skills, responsibility, and independence that you have to exert. When traveling independently, you are responsible for your plane tickets, accommodations , transportation, visas, and money –
"Travelling is the crash course of life"
Financial Skills